Karuna Ki Symbols


Gnosa was intuited by Maria Abraham, derives from the Greek Gnosis (which means Divine Knowledge) and, according to Maria Abraham and Kathleen Milner, represents Healing and Planetary Illumination. Gnosis symbolizes the belief that God is revealed to be equal in all Creation. Like Harth (which he received at level I), Gnosa is one of the main symbols of Karuna as it provides a connection to the Compassionate Energy of the Universe, associated with Intuitive Understanding.

Gnosa provides a stronger connection to our true Essence, facilitating conscious access to the Akashic records of our Soul, releasing current physical or emotional pain, allowing recognition of the true cause of our suffering and providing deep healing. It can therefore be used in Reiki Regression therapies.

This symbol frees us from the fears that keep us from recognizing our Truth and our divine purpose on Earth. From the moment we reconnect with our Essence, new ideas are more easily integrated into our mind, facilitating learning at all levels. Gnosa works directly on our nervous system, also helping us to better coordinate our physical activities.

This symbol stimulates mental clarity, allowing us to organize the mind and improve verbal and written communication, leading us to the best sources of information and providing us with a quick understanding of its meaning. By harmonizing us with our true Essence, Gnosa enhances our creativity, adding depth to our work in a natural way.

The Zonar is a good symbol to start a treatment, preparing the patient to receive healing in the deepest levels of his Being (all symbols can be applied in a specific sequence: Zonar, Halu, Harth and Rama), reducing or eliminating the pain associated with emotional healing, creating a blessing effect on a spiritual level. Start by drawing the symbol on the patient’s body, or on each of the chakras, before the treatment. Zonar opens the door to Halu to provide deeper healing.

Zonar frees us from the traumas of past lives and allows us to work on other dimensions of our existence, namely on experiences in other lives. When these disharmonies are known in a regression therapy, or in a cure with Karuna, the Zonar must be applied (the cure happens regardless of whether the therapist is aware of these traumas or not).

Therapy with Zonar allows us to harmonize traumas repressed in the subconscious that cause blockages at the level of the sexual chakra (such as child abuse or other extremely traumatic situations). This symbol reaches deep levels of our Being, it generally works blockages related to events condemned by society and about which it is difficult to talk, exteriorize and unblock emotionally. Sometimes there is awareness of the cure, other times the blockages are released without the patient being consciously aware of it.


Gnosa Meditation

These meditations aim to integrate the Energy of the symbol, connecting us deeply to the Source of all Karuna so that we can develop as Human Beings in Harmony with our mission on Earth.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Gnosa in both hands, mentalizing the mantra three times. Draw the Gnosa in the Third Insight and in the air before you with the intention of deepening your connection with the Source of all Compassion.
Karuna Ki

Place your hands on the throat chakra and let the Energy flow, repeat this process as often as you can, at least five minutes a day, and be aware of your mind, your intuition, how your words and your compassionate behaviors happen naturally.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Gnosa in the air, in front of you, mentalizing the mantra three times. Visualize or feel yourself sitting in the center of the Gnosa pyramid. Feel the Compassionate Energy of Gnosa. Visualize or feel the circle of Gnosa in your Third Eye, in both vortices, for a few minutes. Feel or visualize the two infinities of Gnosa forming from the circle in your Third Eye. Feel your intuition expanding, connecting to the Source of all Karuna. Enjoy this connection and observe what is going on inside you.