Karuna Ki Symbols


Iava was intuited by Catherine Mills and means Divine Will. This symbol balances the four elements of Nature and, when drawing the four links, invokes the Energy of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, in that order. Iava guides us to our Soul’s plan in this life, without the influence of family, friends or society in general. This symbol allows us to find our deepest Light, awakening the divine qualities of our true Essence.

The energy of this symbol frees us from fears of rejection, insecurity and nonconformity. Like Kriya, Iava drives our purposes in this life by integrating the Energy of the four elements (Earth, Water, Air and Fire) into our Being. The integration of Energy was gradually removing the Veil of Illusion from us, awakening our Consciousness. The Veil of Illusion symbolizes all thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and concepts that condition us throughout our existence. Without this Veil we can understand things as they are and not as we are conditioned to see them. The awakening of Consciousness allows us to unify the mind with the Soul.

This dispelling of the Veil will allow us to understand and respect different individual realities. And understand that if a person has a certain behavior, or thought pattern, it is because their reality originates it. This symbol helps us to understand that there is no point in wanting to change the reality of others, as this is the path of your Soul. Likewise, Iava helps us to discern our true inner reality and distinguish it from what we do to live up to the expectations of others.

How often do you act following your will? Claim your personal power!
For lack of courage or insecurity, sometimes we share our personal power with other people, we give them such power and, sometimes, others end up controlling our lives. Iava allows us to recognize and break these dependencies, restoring our personal power. In this sense, it also helps us to understand when it is we who, unconsciously, control others and free ourselves from this co-responsibility for their lives.

Iava leads us to act towards the realization of our plans, even if these do not correspond to the expectations of others, because it connects us to the joy that results from its execution, strengthening our commitment. This symbol allows us to access a type of Earth healing energy that can connect us to the consciousness of trees, flowers or even crystals. The more you integrate the Energy of Iava, the more you will feel and be able to heal Nature. Whenever you send Energy to the Earth (or to the plants in your home) include the vibration of Iava.


Lava Meditation

These meditations aim to deepen our connection with the Energy of our inner will, guiding us to our Soul’s plan in this life without disharmonious relationships. Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Iava in front of you while saying the mantra three times. If you feel that you have a disharmonious relationship with someone and the time has come to cut the ties, let go and be free, use the vibration of the Divine Will of Iava. Feel or visualize that you are both sitting on the Iava yantra, one on each of the three parts of the symbol, energetically joined together. While meditating and chanting the mantra of the symbol, feel, imagine or visualize this union, represented by the links of the Iava, coming apart. Feel or visualize that you are both happy and free that these ties are now undone. And that both follow their own path, for the Supreme Good of both.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Iava in front of you while saying the mantra three times. Inhale and feel the Energy of the first part of the three of the symbol going down from your crown chakra to your heart chakra. Exhale and feel the second part of the three going down from the heart to your root chakra. Inhale and feel the diagonal stroke of Iava descending from the crown to the root. Exhale and feel the links of Iava running through the sexual chakras, solar plexus, throat and third eye. Keep the visualization of the path of Iava’s Energy for a few minutes and feel that with each passage through each chakra your Veil of Illusion is dissipating. Feel the clarity that results from this meditation.