Reiki Symbols

Cho Ku Rei

The first symbol is the Cho Ku Rei: pronounced Cho-koo-Ray and means “Putting the power of the universe here”. It is the symbol of power and considered an amplifier. This symbol is sometimes called a “light switch” because it turns on and activates the other symbols.
The counter-clockwise spiral in this symbol is precise in unearthing imbalance, helping to release dissonant energies so the true resonance of the recipient can shine through. The intention of this symbol is to act by immediately cutting the illusion of imbalance and liberation using the power of the universe.

The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be used alone or as a trigger for some of the other symbols. The infinite wisdom of REIKI will bring about whatever is needed.
Cho Ku Rei is written as 勅令 (imperial edict) or 直靈 (direct spirit) in Chinese.

How to draw Cho-Ku-Rei
1. Draw a horizontal line from left to right.
2. Starting on the right side of Line 1 , draw a vertical line from top to bottom.
3. Draw a counterclockwise spiral with 3.5 turns.

How to use the symbols
The REIKI Power Symbol can be used to connect to REIKI energy at the start of a session, to activate the other symbols and also to help increase the power of energy when needed during a session.

Important Note – Although it is traditional practice not to allow anyone to observe you drawing the symbols unless you are a second degree practitioner or a REIKI Master, if you feel called upon to display the symbols you can make.
In the past , symbols were kept hidden , but now they are available to everyone who wants to see them, have an internet. Unless they are attuned, the power of the symbols is not available to them, so there’s no need to worry.

When using the symbol, you must silently say the words Cho Ku Rei three times as you draw. Silent intonation helps to strengthen the intention.
If you have a sticky situation, (you might find it) it’s helpful to write the problem down on a piece of paper and draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol over the top of the writing. You can hold the paper and allow the situation to draw the REIKI energy.