Karuna Ki Symbols


Halu was also intuited by Kathleen Milner and Marcy Miller in a meditation with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Halu means love, truth and beauty and can also mean harmony. The Halu is a deep healing ray and an amplification of the Zonar that allows us to work at even deeper levels, bringing balance and clearing discordant energies and fears that prevent us from having a higher consciousness.

Halu provides healing of unconscious patterns, dissolving the negative patterns of the mind that cause energy blockages (which are reflected in the physical body) and allow us to live in the illusion of truth and in the lack of responsibility for our actions.
Halu raises our consciousness and teaches us to love ourselves unconditionally.

Halu allows the healing of the Shadow Self that lives in the subconscious mind and is composed of the personality traits that we deny, that we consider unacceptable and that, generally, are socially reproachable. The fact that we condemn our Shadow Self can lead us to easily judge others because we unconsciously see our hidden side in them. In this sense, it happens to us, for no apparent reason, that we dislike a person because he is our mirror. Halu harmonizes blockages resulting from the repression of these personality traits which can be concentrated in the root chakra.

The Halu is also a powerful healing tool used in Psychic Surgery (a method of removing energy blockages taught in Karuna Level II) that allows us to activate a healing laser that facilitates the removal of deeper blocks of dissonant energy. In this therapy, Halu can facilitate the physical removal of tumors, cysts or other denser energetic manifestations.

Halu’s Compassionate Energy can also be directed to nullify or repel psychological attacks. It should be understood that we are only psychologically attacked when we create these realities with our fears. Halu allows us to free ourselves from these fears and, consequently, eliminates the weaknesses of our Ego permeable to such aggressions.

Therapy with Zonar allows us to harmonize traumas repressed in the subconscious that cause blockages at the level of the sexual chakra (such as child abuse or other extremely traumatic situations). This symbol reaches deep levels of our Being, it generally works blockages related to events condemned by society and about which it is difficult to talk, exteriorize and unblock emotionally. Sometimes there is awareness of the cure, other times the blockages are released without the patient being consciously aware of it.


Halu Meditation

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Mentalize the Halu mantra three times while drawing the symbol. Draw the “Z” on your torso (starting at one shoulder and ending at the opposite hip) and draw the infinity symbol so that the lines intersect at the center of your heart chakra. inhaling and exhaling Karuna.

Finish lines 7 and 8 on your torso (joining the other hip and shoulder) and add lines 9 and 10 a hand above your head, draw the Halu laser at the top and receive the Energy as long as you want. To feel more the Compassionate Energy of Halu, whenever you inspire mentalize the mantra of the symbol. (Initially you may have a seemingly uncomfortable feeling over your head, remember you are working with powerful healing Energy, trust and do not interrupt the process.)