Karuna Ki Symbols


The Harth was the third symbol transmitted by Sri Sathya Sai Baba to Kathleen Milner and Marcy Miller. Harth means love, truth, beauty, harmony and balance. It is one of the main symbols of Karuna, it represents the Infinite Love and Compassion of the Source, and is used to heal our heart and develop compassion.

Harth’s primary work focuses on the development of compassionate action, one of the most important facets of the spiritual life. It can even be said that this development is one of the keys to happiness and healing on the planet. Harth develops the motivation for compassionate action by healing the heart chakra and making the wisdom that springs from it available to guide us in all our actions.

Harth helps us in the deep healing of our heart, perfecting the work started with Reiki in the sense of loving ourselves and others unconditionally. A revelation known to all those who practice compassionate action is that, in order to practice such actions, no personal sacrifice is necessary, quite the contrary! In the practice of compassion one feels an immense joy and an indescribable blessing.

Harth Energy can be used to heal relationships. It is necessary to understand that when there is a relationship between two people there is always a third energy: the relationship itself, which can be love, understanding, fraternity, jealousy, anger or contempt, among many other feelings and this energy can be harmonized with Karuna if there is a difficulty or a problem, or if you simply want to consolidate or improve the relationship. In these cases Harth must be used with the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen of Reiki (and this is one of the reasons why it is necessary to be a second level Reiki practitioner before being attuned to the first level of Karuna). In this therapy it is important to make it clear that there are dependency relationships that are not healthy for the people involved and, in most cases, it is healthier to put an end to these relationships.

Harth also works on the energetic patterns that will provide the break with unhealthy relationships in a healthy way for everyone. Reiki and Karuna are Cosmic Energies guided by the Source of Universal Love and Compassion, we cannot use them to try to manipulate or control people, for example, to attract them to a romance against their will, we can fill these people with the Unconditional Love of the Universe in order to clear their minds of the blockages that may be preventing them from making the right decisions for their evolution and that of the Whole.

Harth allows us to develop certain habits in ourselves, teaching us that the best thing we can do is allow ourselves to love those habits.
There are people who like to cook and have a healthy diet, others like physical exercise, others like to meditate, chant mantras, compose music, or their work, etc. It turns out that sometimes we have fears and traumas that block our healthier habits, or that we would like to develop in us, not allowing them to blossom.

Harth allows us to heal these fears and traumas and teaches us to develop a natural love for these habits, removing the blocks that prevent their development. Harth meditation is a good instrument in this therapy.

Harth’s Energy also provides us with addiction healing. When someone is addicted to something it means they have a heart block. People who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, medication, gambling, or to destructive relationships or behaviors, feel that there is something in their life that does not fulfill or satisfy the love they need.
Harth restores the inner balance of these people’s hearts, so that they regain their self-esteem and their love for life. When a person loves life, he is unlikely to become addicted to something that harms him. When a person loves himself
takes good care of herself. It is worth reflecting on two questions posed by Louise Hay in her book The Power Is Within You:

“We are all our own reflection and what we see in others we also see in ourselves. Most of the time we don’t want to accept some facets of ourselves. We abuse ourselves with alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or overeating. These are ways we punish ourselves for not being perfect. But after all, who do we have to be perfect for? What demands and expectations are we trying to satisfy?”

We often focus on levels that we have to reach in a certain period of time and if we don’t reach them, we get sad and frustrated, our self-esteem drops because we can’t meet our expectations.

However, if we meditate on such requirements, we find that these expectations are rooted in the environment around us, in our parents, teachers, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc., and we allow our Being to feed on them. Harth meditation is also a good tool in healing these aspects of our heart.


Harth Meditation

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Without forgetting to chant the mantra three times, visualize Harth’s first stroke above your head, the second stroke from a point above your head to the ground, the third diagonal stroke from the intersection of the first two to the ground behind si , the fourth stroke to join with the end of the second, fifth and sixth strokes in mirror with the third and fourth and, finally, the three lasers of the Halu.

Feel yourself inside a pyramid of Compassionate Energy. While inhaling and exhaling, mentalize the mantra of the symbol (or do it out loud, if you prefer). Each of the walls of your Harth pyramid will fill your Being with Compassionate Energy, enjoy this sacred space and let yourself merge with the Karuna Energy.