Karuna Ki Symbols


Kriya was intuited by Pat Miller, it means Divine Action and is also called the double Choku-Rei (which, in turn, means God is Here).

Kriya focuses on healing the Human race and its physical manifestations, rooting us and providing us with a greater connection to the center of the Earth. This grounding removes energetic blockages that impede the flow of Vital Energy and hinder our ability to assess priorities and make decisions.

The Energy of this symbol frees us from the fear of taking action and provides us with the necessary balance to carry out our mission on Earth. Kriya increases our Consciousness, rapidly transforming our thoughts into actions and manifestations.

Kriya creates balance at all levels and can be used during a treatment when an energy imbalance is felt in some area of ​​the body, drawing the Kriya energetically on the spot, with both hands (in a mirror), and mentally saying the mantra three times.

This symbol can also provide us with the balance to set priorities when we feel overwhelmed by worries, unable to discern what is most important at the moment. Kriya must be used to heal the living Beings on Earth, with the intention that all harmoniously fulfill their mission on this Planet. Whenever you send Karuna to Earth, include Kriya Energy.


Kriya Meditation

These meditations aim to deepen our connection with the Earth so that we can fulfill our mission on this Planet in a balanced way.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Kriya in both hands, mentalizing the mantra three times. Draw a part of the symbol on each thigh (in a mirror), next to the Root chakra. Feel the Kriya Energy slowly descending through both legs. When you feel the Energy in your knees, draw the symbol again with both hands. Close your eyes and feel the Kriya Energy slowly descending from your knees to your feet. When you feel the Energy in your feet, draw the Third Eye symbol on the soles of your feet. Imagine, visualize or feel that the two spirals of Kriya penetrate deep into the Earth, completely rooting your Being. Feel this union and enjoy this unification with the Earth.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Kriya in the air in front of you, mentalizing the mantra three times. Feel or visualize a part of the Kriya on your right side going through the seven main chakras, from the crown to the root, spiraling up through the other five, ending at the heart. Do the same on the left side with the other part of the Kriya. Feel the two yantras come together at the heart chakra. With each inhalation bring the Energy of the Earth and the Universe into your heart. With each exhale feel the Energy of the Earth and the Universe spreading throughout your body. Feel yourself in perfect balance with Heaven and Earth. Feel the Unity of the Whole.