Karuna Ki Symbols


The Om is a Sanskrit symbol that comes from ancient esoteric practices and is used in many Eastern spiritual practices. According to most esoteric traditions Om was the sacred sound of the Creation of the Universe. Om means I Am.
One of its most beautiful symbolisms is the association between Om and the Lotus Flower. This is a flower that grows in the swamps, it rises
and blooms when it receives sunlight. The Lotus Flower is associated with the AUM mantra as follows:
The root of the flower represents the Earth element, the A sound and the Physical level.
The stem and leaves represent Water and Air, the U sound and the Psychic level. The flower represents the Fire element, the M sound and the Spiritual level.
The AUM and the Lotus Flower are the symbols of the Sage because, like the flower, the Sage…is born in a swamp, but can rise and blossom under the Sun of Wisdom.
The human being is born in material mud, where he can be contaminated by the enchantment of worldly temptations. The world of sensations presents itself as something fascinating, in which the enjoyment of all sensory pleasures promises to be eternal.
It is the world of pleasure… and pleasure is just a momentary satisfaction that nurtures attachment and breeds pain. Pleasure is not synonymous with happiness.
The Sage makes the difference, understands the illusion and reaches a higher level of Consciousness and, like the Lotus Flower, emerges from the mud to open up to the Light and become an Enlightened Being through discernment and detachment.
Om is mainly used in attunements to “open the way” and to seal the integration of other symbols, it is also used in meditation and in treatments with the vibration of mantras taught in Level II.
Chanting the AUM mantra (Omkara) cleans, stabilizes and purifies the energetic bodies, filling them with divine Light, protecting them and allowing a closer connection to the Source of Creation.
To meditate with Om draw the symbol energetically over the crown chakra (chanting the mantra three times), to raise the level of Consciousness and allow a gradual awakening to your union with the Whole.
Om is pronounced AUM and each of the three matras (letters) that compose it is chanted in a specific way. Take a deep breath and begin chanting the three sounds as follows:
The… starts to hum in the throat
U… is chanted in the mouth, increasing the sound volume
Mention with the lips and a slight nasal inhalation, while decreasing the volume.
While chanting Om mentally focus on the Source of Creation, the Energy of the Divine or whatever makes sense to you.


Om Meditation

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Begin audibly chanting Om with each exhalation. Focus on the Source of all Karuna. Meditate on your Greatness, on your Divine Power, on your Wisdom. Meditate on what Truth is. Meditate on what Love is, what Compassion is. Understand that you are this greatness, this divine power, this wisdom, this truth, this love, this compassion. Feel this Union in your heart. Then chant Om inwardly and inaudibly on each exhalation for as long as you like.