Karuna Ki Symbols


Shanti was intuited by Pat Courtney, literally translated means Peace, in Karuna it represents Divine Peace. It is a very special symbol and much remains to be discovered about the capabilities of its Energy.

Shanti relaxes us and allows us to integrate with the divine flow, making everything around us okay as it should be. Just as the secret to learning to swim is to lose your fear of water, Shanti frees us from the fears that prevent us from living in peace. Shanti helps us live in harmony in the Here and Now, freeing us from past hurts and expectations about the future. This symbol allows us to send Peace to past traumas, restoring our confidence in life, tuning in to the present and freeing us from anxieties about the future.

When you feel that there is something that insistently worries you, sit down, breathe deeply and energetically draw the Shanti in front of you, inhaling the Energy of the symbol. Allow Divine Peace to fill you. If you don’t have the opportunity to sit down, mentally start chanting the mantra – Om Shanti – do it slowly and feel your body being flooded with serene and pacifying energy. , can be used to solve insomnia problems.

If you have any difficulty sleeping, even though you have been working with the Karuna symbols for some time, when you go to bed, turn off the light and draw the Shanti energetically in the air, over you. Imagine, visualize or feel the Energy of the symbol covering your body very slowly as you practice the next breath as slowly and steadily as you can (without forcing your own rhythm). In each inspiration mentalize the syllable “Shan” and feel the Energy of Divine Peace entering within you. With each exhalation, mentalize the syllable “Ti” and feel your whole body uniting with the symbol. If your mind strays from meditation to other thoughts, notice them and come back to your breath.

Shanti is also very effective in treating people who have panic attacks or in cases of chronic fatigue. People with these imbalances worry too much about the future, which drains them and quickly leaves them weak and tired. Shanti Energy can give you the peace of mind to enjoy the Here and Now (instead of systematically worrying in advance).

If you have a fear that you can’t get rid of, which becomes almost obsessive and sometimes seems to turn into feelings of panic, you can use Shanti Energy in your self treatments to dissipate it.

Shanti allows us to develop intuition and gives us amazing clairvoyant experiences. To do so, meditate with the tip of the symbol energetically touching the Third Eye. Concentrate on this meditation for at least five minutes for 21 days.

By providing experiences of clairvoyance, Shanti Energy also allows us to develop telepathic abilities.
When you want to connect telepathically with someone, draw the first two strokes of the symbol with the apex touching your Third Eye, with the intention of bringing the divine Shanti Energy to the earth plane. Draw the first horizontal “S” with the intention of connecting Supreme Consciousness completely with your mind. Then draw the second vertical “S” with the intention of connecting with the consciousness and mind of the person to whom you intend to send a telepathic message (or transmit a certain thought). Say your message mentally or verbally and visualize it reaching the recipient through the second “S” of the Shanti.


Shanti Meditation

These meditations aim to deepen our connection with the Energy of our inner Peace so that we can live peacefully in the Here and Now.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Shanti in front of you while saying the mantra three times and breathe in the Energy of the symbol. Visualize the vertex (<) of the Shanti swirling in your crown chakra, cleaning it from blockages caused by fears, while mentalizing the mantra with each inhalation and exhalation. Do the same process with the remaining chakras in this order: crown, root, third eye, sexual, throat, solar plexus and, finally, heart. Between the second and sixth chakras always visualize two Shanti, one in front and one behind. At the end, meditate with the twelve symbols swirling simultaneously and enjoy the feeling of freedom and Divine Peace.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Draw the Shanti in front of you while saying the mantra three times. The first “S” of the Shanti represents the connection between Heaven and Earth – you are in the middle – feel surrounded by Peace. The vertex (<) of the Shanti represents the Peace Energies of Heaven and Earth, both converging towards you, feel yourself being filled by these Energies. The second “S” of the Shanti represents the Energy of Peace accumulated in you, spread it with each exhalation in all directions, unconditionally. Feel a deep Peace and let yourself be enveloped by that Peace.