Veterinary Reiki

Reiki, very common among humans, but animals can also take advantage of its benefits.

Title: Reiki for Animals: A Holistic Approach to Animal Welfare


Reiki is a holistic therapeutic practice that aims to promote energetic balance and physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Initially developed in Japan, Reiki has been widely adopted around the world as a complementary therapy for humans. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in extending the benefits of Reiki to pets and animals in general. In this article, we will explore the principles of Reiki for animals and how this practice can be beneficial to them.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning “universal life energy.” It is a therapeutic technique based on channeling energy through the practitioner’s hands to promote healing and energetic balance. Reiki works on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, helping to release energetic blockages and stimulating the body’s natural healing process.

How does Reiki work for animals?

Just like human beings, animals have an energetic system which can be affected by various factors such as stress, illness, trauma or emotional imbalance. Reiki for animals works on a subtle energetic level, helping to reestablish balance and harmony in their bodies.

Reiki for animals practitioners apply the technique through the laying on of hands or at a distance, allowing the energy to flow to the animal. Animals are extremely receptive to Reiki energy, as they have no preconceptions, skepticism, or expectations. They simply absorb the energy and use it for their physical and emotional healing.

Benefits of Reiki for animals

Relief from stress and anxiety: Reiki helps to calm animals and reduce stress and anxiety, especially in situations such as vet visits, travel, or stressful events.

Recovery from illness and injury: Reiki can be used in conjunction with conventional veterinary treatments to speed the recovery process from illness and injury. It stimulates the immune system and promotes natural healing.


Emotional balance: Animals can also suffer from emotional imbalances such as fear, sadness, or aggression. Reiki helps to release blocked emotions and promote a more harmonious emotional state.

Strengthening the human-animal bond: The practice of Reiki for animals involves the connection and exchange of energy between the practitioner and the animal. This strengthens the bond and trust between them, promoting a deeper and more harmonious relationship.

Palliative care and transitional support: Reiki can be especially helpful for elderly, sick, or terminally ill animals.