Karuna Ki Symbols


The Yod was intuited by a student of Kathleen Milner, through Alice Bailey’s Energy and symbolizes the hands of God whose power is in the Ark of the Covenant (where the tablets of Moses with the Ten Commandments are kept). The British Alice Bailey (1880-1949) published, with the Tibetan Djwhal Khul, numerous works on spiritual evolution.
This symbol is only used by Kathleen Milner in Tera Mai Reiki™, Rosy Naor’s Karuna and this system of energy healing. The Yod’s diamond symbolizes Divine Wisdom, while the chalice represents the hands of God, and his power contained in the Ark of the Covenant, and the rod symbolizes the connection of God’s Wisdom and power to our heart. Yod can be used whenever you want, visualizing it, drawing it or invoking it. Its power is so great that whoever achieves its total integration will be able to heal anything with just a touch.
In therapies you can start by drawing the Yod on your body, at the beginning of the treatments, saying the mantra three times and visualizing it integrating with your physical body (open yourself to your intuition and you can be guided in the healing of the person who is treating).
In the practice of meditation with Yod you will be integrating the Universal power, improving your six human senses. Working with the Energy of this symbol allows us to develop greater tactile, olfactory, visual, gustatory, auditory and intuitive sensitivity.
According to Kathleen Milner, attunement to the Yod Energy connects us to the Energy of the Ark of the Covenant providing us with knowledge, wisdom and divine healing power. This power is subtly integrated as one is prepared to use it on a conscious level. This attunement awakens the qualities of our soul and allows us to re-establish the connection with the Golden Bridge: between our heart, the third eye, the soul star and the soul.